Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Getting out of the puddle

Consumers or Creators on HIGHER GROUNDE - A must read !

I think am definitely working or at least trying hard to become a creator so that I can live my life the way I want to. But the attractions of a consumer’s life - the new iPhone or an overseas trip on my company's expense, just keep enticing my mind from putting in my 100% in achieving my goals.

I read somewhere that all material goods have a short lifespan, a snap and their happiness fades away like a dream.

There is no doubt that once we have achieved a certain level of maturity in the field that is most suitable for us, all the things that we crave now IS easily accessible and their pleasures are certainly more satisfying if not forever-lasting.

If we understand and know all of this, why is it so hard to channel our energies to take actions that will make us happy in the long-term? Why does the mind get stuck?

I guess I will stop brooding over such thoughts and figure it out on "the road to my higher grounde..."

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